The German Musical Instrument Price for the Walter Bassoon 2002
What could be as nice as building an instrument, and then making it sound good? Being awarded the German Musicians Instrument Prize in 1994 was a confirmation of this statement.
Now, in 2002, we are the only bassoon producer to receive the German Musicians Instrument Prize for the second time. Professional bassoon players´ feedback from all over the world certifies the high quality of our craftsmanship. Untiring striving for perfect sound, intonation and handling, together with innovative acoustic achievements have proved to be successful. The German Musicians Instrument Prize 2002 - under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs - was performend in the Institute of Musicians Instrument Manufacture in Zwota. In the course of the competition, the bassoons were subjected to a three-part testing procedure. After having passed an objective computer analysis, the respective instruments were further analysed in individual tests by five renowned bassoon players.
Finally, the craftsmanship was judged by an expert. Summarizing all individual test results, the test committee conferred to us the German Musicians Instrument Prize 2002.
Official remarks to the Walter bassoon cited from the test summary:
This instrument is being characterized by a well-balanced typical sonority, as well as a very good response, even in low piano. Remarkably, the instrument ranks foremost among all competing instruments, both in the generally very good evaluation by all test musicians and as far as the acoustic test results are concerned. The bassoon surprises by its pleasant handling and excellent performance qualities.
All test persons agree on an efficient ergonomic design.
Some comments of the musicians speak for themselves:
- beautiful tone colour, eminently in the low register
- good response, playable without problems
- comfortable small E-key
- excellent price for this high quality Instrument