Der Deutsche Musikinstrumentenpreis für das Walter Fagott 2022
Bassoon Soloist Model
The results of the competition for the German Music Instrument Award 2010 for Bassoon showed two distinct groups of participants.
From all three leading competitors, the bassoon by Rudolf Walter u. Co, Holzblasinstrumentenbau GmbH proves to be a class of its own. The Bassoon Soloist Model managed to carry off two of three evaluation categories.
The jury committee noted that the result underlines the increasing alignment of quality in a clearly positive trend within German bassoon manufacturing.
This statement was emphatically confirmed by those testing musicians who had already been involved in past competitions.

Some comments of the musicians speak for themselves:
- beautiful tone colour, eminently in the low register
- good response, playable without problems
- comfortable small E-key
- excellent price for this high quality Instrument